What if you could make one decision today that would make children in your school 84% happier?
‘Not possible’, right?
Well, this summer; it is possible...
...More importantly. It is possible for you and your school to see changes like these:
Happier CHILDREN: who really want to be in school, who learn better.
Happier TEACHERS that stick around longer: so you can realise your vision without starting from scratch every September.
Happier PARENTS that trust and support you.
We are so passionate about helping make everyone at your school skip through your gates every morning that we want you to experience our groundbreaking curriculum.
For free.
We know you are busy, so take a quick look below and see if these are results that would make your school community proud (and make you look pretty good too).
84% children happier to come to school
65% children feeling closer to the rest of their class
100% of teachers more confident delivering music and happier in their roles
Zero staff turnover (down from 25% 2017-18, 30% 2016-17)

So, how have we helped Headteachers achieve and deliver these outcomes?
Believe it or not. You alredy have an unbelievably powerful source of happiness at your school.
Every school has. However, If you are like most Headteachers, the chances are that your main focus has been on Maths, English and Science and this wellspring of wellbeing has remained untapped.
We get it. We understand the enormous pressures facing you and your staff. Most of them totally beyond your control- you've had your budgets slashed, your curriculum overhauled. You constantly have to do so much more with so much less. And of course now Ofsted have changed the goalposts AGAIN.
Perhaps you can relate to this headteacher?
You have not worked THIS hard for your music curriculum or assessment policy to let you down.

Enter, Muzingo...
Imagine if every classroom in your Primary school was transformed into a band…
Imagine if every child and every teacher (even non-specialists) had a part to play in ensuring that every member of each class had a place to belong in this classband...
Imagine if there was a beautifully organised system that put musical collaboration at the heart of your school. Where children were encouraged to help each other and develop musical confidence and passion together with their friends.
Imagine if holding it all together was an ambitious, innovative primary music curriculum that embedded musical literacy and creativity into your school. Effortlessly. So that when Ofsted come knocking, you can proudly put Music front and centre in your school rather than hide it away (yes, even with their new inspection framework.)
This is what we call a musical community
Transforming schools into musical communities is what we do at Muzingo.
We are launching our new programme, Classband, this September and it could transform yours too.
Now, this all sounds incredibly complicated, time-consuming and expensive, doesn't it?
But it isn’t. We've road-tested every aspect of this course with real teachers.
Here's what they had to say.

Here’s what you DON’T need.
A specialist Music teacher
State of the Art facilities or expensive technology
A band, a choir or orchestra
An Existing Music Curriculum
A bigger Arts budget
Of course if you DO have these- then that is wonderful BUT...
We helped a school with:
No Music curriculum
No orchestra,
No facilities.
(watch our documentary all about it, if you haven’t already seen it)
And we’re looking forward to helping you and your team create something incredible too.
That might mean... establishing a new innovative curriculum that will get the ‘buzz’ back along your corridors.
Or, if you already have that inspiring team of music teachers, it might mean giving them a platform to create something truly amazing that your children and parents will never forget.
Here’s what you WILL need:
Ambition (for your children, your staff and your community)
2-3 minutes per day for EVERY class EVERY day. (No instruments needed.)
Regular practical music sessions for every class and a space to have them in.
A commitment to improving the wellbeing of your children- because happy children do better in school.
A designated Music lead (not necessarily a specialist) who cares and who you can rely on to be accountable for your music provision.
Here’s what you get:
ACCESS to Muzingo Island’s amazing 2-3 minute video resources for every class, every day so your children and your staff can develop their musical confidence effortlessly.
A brand new innovative music curriculum that will transform each class into a band and your school into a Musical community.
In depth, ongoing support for all your staff. Video guides to every session. Milestones to support your leadership team so you know what will happen and when...So much more effective than a one time, extortionate INSET.
Make sure your school doesn't miss out. . .
We have a couple of places left for September 2019!
So sign up below if you are passionate about:
Improving staff retention
Putting the mental health of your children first -and seeing your own 84% increase in happiness.
Helping to make music accessible for every child in your school (not just those that can afford instrumental lessons)
Sleeping easy without sweating about Ofsted inspectors asking to see your Music curriculum and Arts progress data.
You Get the first Term of Classband completely FREE
if you sign up before 5pm Friday 19th July.
We have space to help another two schools in September.
Register your interest below and we'll send you:
A Curriculum Overview
Sample lesson plans + lesson content
A Musical knowledge-organiser - the bedrock of our curriculum
Get the musical ‘Muzingo Island’ -the magical story of a child’s journey to fall in love with Music- which was created with a Primary school just like yours. Be wary- some of the songs are dangerously infectious. It’s the perfect story to unite your school as you embark on your own musical adventure.
It can be yours for FREE. No PRS costs. No license fee. No expensive manuscripts to return.